The Media Team
Committed to delivering unparalleled audio and visual enhancements, the Media Team exist to amplify the worship experience, connecting creativity and technical prowess to spirituality, faith and devotion.
Our Aim
“To consistently deliver high-quality audio and visual experiences that enhance worship services, events and communication within the Church community. Our goal is to use technology yo support and amplify the spiritual journey of our congregation while ensuring seamless and engaging presentations.”
Modern Technology Meets Worship
Media at Mount Zion is not just about technology; it’s a place where forward thinking plays a crucial role in enhancing ad evolving technology for the next generation. As technology advances, we are committed to increasing our knowledge, abilities and visions for the future.
The Media Team is dedicated to enabling a wider audience to engage with the love of God, by:
- Tuning into live services in real time
- Interacting with other believers through the live chat
- Providing lyrics to songs for new believers and the congregation
- Staying updated via social media, email and Notices
- Accessing Mount Zion through the Digital Sanctuary (our website).
It is a space for continuous learning, development, and meaningful engagement.
History Of Media At Mount Zion
Our journey began with hymn books, and progressed to the Overhead Projector and acetates, a cutting-edge approach at the time. The transition allowed for easier readability of songs, encouraging whole-room participation. As our song repertoire expanded, handwritten acetates became impractical.
The next milestone was Synergy, enabling the use of text on A4 paper for projecting lyrics. PowerPoint eventually became the go-to program, allowing us to format lyrics and incorporate images for a more worshipful atmosphere.
Today, we utilise various programs such as EasyWorship, ProPresenter, Proclaim, and MediaShout. These tools seamlessly combine text, images, videos, and soundtracks to enhance the overall worship experience alongside the Worship Team and Musicians.
The Media Team Exist To
Unite believers with other team members.
Elevate the team to a high standard of operation and personal development.
Enable the team to venture into other areas of media.
Propel the team into the wider world of media, technology, and beyond.
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