Pastor Devon Knight

Associate Pastor

Humility, Family, And Transformational Love
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.”
~ Romans 12:2

About Pastor Dean


Devon Knight, affectionately known as Pastor Dean, serves as an Associate Pastor at Mount Zion. His journey into pastoral leadership is a testament to his commitment to the Church, and his unwavering dedication to serving God.

As an Associate Pastor, Dean oversees multiple crucial aspects of Mount Zion life:

  • He leads the Men’s Ministry (Men Of Valour)
  • Oversees the Children’s Ministry
  • Oversees Office operations
  • Manages the Business Enterprise

His diverse responsibilities reflect his commitment to holistic Church development and community engagement.

His Leadership Journey

Before assuming the role of Associate Pastor, Devon was a devoted member of Mount Zion, having been part of the congregation since 2002. His connection with the Church runs deep, rooted in years of fellowship, spiritual growth, and a genuine love for the community.

Devon’s pursuit of knowledge and theological understanding led him to attain a theology degree during his time at Bible College. Equipped with a deeper understanding of God’s Word, he felt led to return to Mount Zion, ready to serve in a greater capacity.

Family Life


Dean is a family man, married to Michelle; together, they are blessed with three boys: Samuel, Luke, and Daniel. Their family life is a beautiful reflection of the values they hold dear- love, unity, and faith.

Michelle, a solicitor by profession, shares Devon’s passion for ministry. Her focus is on sharing the love of God and the gospel, particularly in the workplace and the broader community. Together, they form a dynamic team dedicated to impacting lives with the transformative power of Jesus Christ.

In 2012, Devon and Michelle experienced a profound call from God on their lives. Responding, they made the courageous decision to leave their home and jobs, to attend Bible College. This period of training and spiritual formation laid the foundation for their future ministry.

As Associate Pastor, Pastor Dean continues to play a pivotal role in the spiritual leadership of Mount Zion, exemplifying the values of love, service, and faith that define us as a Church.

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